Tableau, Excel, PowerBI, Python pre-processing expertise.

Based in Los Angeles, CA

1002 MS Excel: The Analyze Toolbar

Data Analysis with Pivot Tables    

Understanding the Analyze toolbar is critical:

It empowers you to have control over your Pivot Table and Source Data.





1001 MS Excel: Pivot Tables Using Dynamic Source Data

Data Analysis with Pivot Tables    

Constantly changing data within the data source presents a problem for Excel pivot tables:

We can easily solve this problem and make our interaction with the data source dynamic.




1003 MS Excel: How to use the PivotTable Field List

Data Analysis with Pivot Tables    

The Field List is the central functionality in the use of Pivot Tables:

It allows you to organize, manipulate, and filter your data.



Michael Pomeroy, MBA (owner/manager)

(310) 597-9907

©2019 ExcelXperts